Wednesday, August 21, 2013

This is bull

 The content of this website-blog are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the United States government or the Peace Corps

For your entertainment, first I will put the awesome stuff about my pueblo (town), and some other interesting things, then the serious stuff like how overwhelming and stressful and lonely and depressing it can be in the next post! for now only positive stuff. I have experienced every emotion I ever have in a matter of one week.

I simply must start with what happened to me yesterday with two bulls. I literally RAN face to face with a bull. Okay, so I was walking my classmates home (theres 2 of the 3 girls on the other side of town, like 5 minutes from my house), and when I dropped off the last girl, Geri, we turned around and realized two bulls were about 20 feet behind us the whole time. I have NO idea where they came from. 
We were like in shock, kind of laughing, and kind of like... wtf?? Only here.
One walks like 50 feet away in the other direction, and one walks like 10 feet away. I assumed it was safe, slash normal to see them in the streeets, so i started walking down the stairs to the streets and then the bulls turns its head in my direction and starts walking. 
Geri and I are dying laughing, because... how many times is a giant bull with some serious horns going to prevent me from getting to my house?? Totally normal. 
On top of it, all ican think of isthis guy on the news last night that was killed by a bull. So anyway, this brave ass dog decides to come up to it, and it literally snarles it in the face. I would have paid a million dollars for that picture. Then the bull made a soundand the dog ran like  crazy and the bull chased it around a corner. It was totally dark by this time, and I was late for dinner at my house, so I needed to bounce. I took that as an opportunity to leave.

Once i passed the corner where the bull went, in order to get home, I had to take this roundabout way because it was dark and i couldnt take the darker, more direct route. So I started running home, not out of fear (well, not totally out of fear), and so i ran liketwo blocks and then turned and ran twomore blocks. As I was approaching the corner, it was literally the most shocking moment in my lifewhen I literally ran face to face with the bull. No joke it was between 10 and 15 feet from me. The bull must have taken the direct route, and we reached the corner at the EXACT same time. What are the odds.
When I saw that thing, I was like... no...freaking way. I seriously couldnt believe it. When I run, for some reason I usually keep my head down, but just as I looked up when I approached the intersection was then I saw the bull and Istopped dead in my tracks.
For anyone that has never run into a bull before, they are about 500 pounds or so? Maybe 6 or 7feet long, and like 3 or 4 feet wide. It was terrifying. 
It turned toward me, then continued turning, thank god, to snack on grass on the corner, I think. 
I slowly crossed the street, then continue runing, head on a swivel. I got home with a new feeling of thanks for life. I told my host mom, and my spanish teacher, who was visiting my mom until really late. They all had a good laugh and my heart had a good beat.

Bueno, lets move on. Here are some 

Have to remind myself all the time to think positive. It wouldbe so easy to look at all the things I dont have. All of the negative things. But I tell myself minute by minute,hour by hour that one place is not better or worse than another, its different.

Here are some awesome things about this place. 

There are always, always people in the streets. At all times of the day. Just sitting. Hanging out, talking.
Everyones door is open, always. If they are going to bed, the door finally closes. But I cannot even guess how many peoplego in and out of a house in oneday. Its SUCH a community sense there. Peoplehave their own property, but everyone walks in an out and visits and everyones family lives in the pueblo. 
They wash their clothes by scrubbing them on that metal thing with ridges, lavadora in spanish, I think it is.
When they make drinks, they actually make themfrom fruit.
The food is always freshly picked.
People sell their food in the streets, walking around with it and literally asking you in your house, from outside, if you want to buy.
People sell things from their house too. My mom sells fruit drinks. Muaha.
People walk around with baskets of fruit or whatever they are selling on their head.
Everyone has a garden. 

If you sit and watch for 5 minutes, you will see a man riding a horse (for transportation), many many people riding 2 or 3 to each bike. Kids, families, adults,everyone. Youll see taxis, these little mototaxis with 3 wheels, a giant truck thats open on the top and has between 3 and 10 people on top of whatever its carrying, and some motobikes, and a few cars maybe, and many people walking. We literally had to watch for 5 minutes for an in class assignment (we have class on a second floor porch in someones house). 

Thats all I have time for now. And I have no idea where my camera is and would feel really weird whipping out my ipad when most people wouldnt be ableto afford that now for years of working.

Klove you and miss you guys!

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